Our Films
“Sidewalk Singer”
When faith takes root, life blossoms. Kris Kivi is an everyday man who has lost his family to a tragic accident and his job to the recession. Forced to play his guitar on the streets for donations, Kris must overcome harassment from a small town gang as well as prejudice from members of a local church.
“Mr. What”
Named for the question Mattiesko Wuopio gets every time he says his name, Mr. What has spent 22 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Upon apprehension of the true culprit, he’s released, only to face harassment and the jailbird stigma as he attempts to re-enter society in tiny Tecumseh, Michigan.
Meanwhile, Mr. What seeks redemption through his ailing father, who is beset with Alzheimer’s disease, a neighbor boy without friends or a father who cares, and a stray dog. In the end, a miracle proves that God is never far out of reach for those in need of a little healing.
“Fly Old Bird: Escape to the Ark”
In an attempt to foil his adult children’s overly-aggressive plan for nursing home admittance, a feisty widower with pre-dementia teams up with a weak-hearted and endearing neighbor on an evasive backroad trip to the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, trading cars and emptying their bag of tricks along the way to outwit pursuers.